old - Only used for backwards compatibility with previous version of Net_DNS
axfr() attempts a zone transfer from the nameservers
specified in the Net_DNS_Resolver->nameservers array.
Net_DNS_Resolver::axfr() uses the same
resolver configuration as the Net_DNS_Resolver::query()
Most public nameservers will not allow a zone transfer by
default. A zone transfer will provide a full list of DNS
resource records inside of a zone file. A zone transfer
will always use TCP instead of UDP queries.
For a description of the returned RR data object, see
In the following example, debugging has been turned on
and the nameserver has been configured to allow zone
transfers. The most important item of note in this
example is the SOA record at the beginning and end of the
returned records. When a name server sends a zone
transfer, the first record sent is the SOA record. The
zone transfer is considered complete when the name server
sends the SOA record again. This behaviour can be seen
in the debug output. The resulting array returned by
axfr() does not return the final SOA record.
require_once 'Net/DNS.php';
$resolver = new Net_DNS_Resolver();
$resolver->debug = 1;
$response = $resolver->axfr('my.example.com');
echo "\n\nThe following resource records were returned from the nameserver:\n";
if (count($response)) {
foreach ($response as $rr) {
;; axfr_start(my.example.com, IN)
;; query(my.example.com, AXFR, IN)
;; axfr_start(
;; sending 32 bytes
;; read_tcp: expecting 2 bytes
;; read_tcp: received 2 bytes
;; read_tcp: expecting 262 bytes
;; read_tcp: received 262 bytes
;; received 262bytes
;; id = 21220
;; qr = 1 opcode = QUERY aa = 1 tc = 0 rd = 0
;; ra = 1 rcode = NOERROR
;; qdcount = 1 ancount = 10 nscount = 0 arcount = 0
;; QUESTION SECTION (1 record)
;my.example.com. IN AXFR
;; ANSWER SECTION (10 records)
my.example.com. 300 IN SOA ns1.my.example.com. hostmaster.my.example.com. 103 3600 1800 2592000 300
my.example.com. 300 IN NS ns1.my.example.com.
my.example.com. 300 IN MX 10 mx1.my.example.com.
my.example.com. 300 IN MX 20 mx2.my.example.com.
my.example.com. 300 IN A
mx1.my.example.com. 300 IN A
mx2.my.example.com. 300 IN A
server.my.example.com. 300 IN CNAME www.my.example.com.
www.my.example.com. 300 IN A
my.example.com. 300 IN SOA ns1.my.example.com. hostmaster.my.example.com. 103 3600 1800 2592000 300
;; AUTHORITY SECTION (0 records)
The following resource records were returned from the nameserver:
my.example.com. 300 IN SOA ns1.my.example.com. hostmaster.my.example.com. 103 3600 1800 2592000 300
my.example.com. 300 IN NS ns1.my.example.com.
my.example.com. 300 IN MX 10 mx1.my.example.com.
my.example.com. 300 IN MX 20 mx2.my.example.com.
my.example.com. 300 IN A
mx1.my.example.com. 300 IN A
mx2.my.example.com. 300 IN A
server.my.example.com. 300 IN CNAME www.my.example.com.
www.my.example.com. 300 IN A