

Components -- List of replicated components


The following functions have been replicated:

Table 52-1. Functions

array_change_key_casePHP 4.2.0
array_chunkPHP 4.2.0
array_combinePHP 5.0.0
array_diff_assocPHP 4.3.0
array_diff_keyPHP 5.0.2
array_diff_ukeyPHP 5.0.2
array_intersect_assocPHP 5.0.0
array_intersect_keyPHP 5.0.2
array_intersect_uassocPHP 5.0.0
array_intersect_ukeyPHP 5.0.2
array_key_existsPHP 4.1.0
array_productPHP 5.1.0
array_searchPHP 4.0.5
array_udiffPHP 5.0.0
array_udiff_assocPHP 5.0.0
array_udiff_uassocPHP 5.0.0
array_uintersectPHP 5.0.0
array_uintersect_assocPHP 5.0.0
array_uintersect_uassocPHP 5.0.0
array_walk_recursivePHP 5.0.0
call_user_func_arrayPHP 4.0.4
bcinvertPHP 5.2.0
bcpowmodPHP 5.0.0
clonePHP 5.0.0
constantPHP 4.0.4
convert_uudecodePHP 5.0.0
convert_uuencodePHP 5.0.0
debug_print_backtracePHP 5.0.0
file_get_contentsPHP 4.3.0
file_put_contentsPHP 5.0.0
floatvalPHP 4.2.0
fprintfPHP 5.0.0
fputcsvPHP 5.0.0
get_headersPHP 5.0.0
get_include_pathPHP 4.3.0
html_entity_decodePHP 4.3.0
htmlspecialchars_decodePHP 5.1.0
http_build_queryPHP 5.0.0
ibase_timefmtPHP 5.0.0
idatePHP 5.1.0
image_type_to_mime_typePHP 4.3.0
inet_ntopPHP 5.1.0
inet_ptonPHP 5.1.0
ini_get_allPHP 4.2.0
is_aPHP 4.2.0
is_scalarPHP 4.0.5
md5_filePHP 4.2.0
mhashPHP 4.1.0
mime_content_typePHP 4.3.0
ob_cleanPHP 4.2.0
ob_flushPHP 4.2.0
ob_get_cleanPHP 4.3.0
ob_get_flushPHP 4.3.0
php_strip_whitespacePHP 5.0.0
property_existsPHP 5.1.0
pg_affected_rowsPHP 4.2.0
pg_escape_byteaPHP 4.2.0
pg_unescape_byteaPHP 4.2.0
restore_include_pathPHP 4.3.0
scandirPHP 5.0.0
set_include_pathPHP 4.3.0
str_ireplacePHP 5.0.0
str_rot13PHP 4.2.0
str_shufflePHP 4.3.0
str_splitPHP 5.0.0
str_word_countPHP 4.3.0
striposPHP 5.0.0
strpbrkPHP 5.0.0
strriposPHP 5.0.0
substr_comparePHP 5.0.0
time_sleep_untilPHP 5.1.0
var_exportPHP 4.2.0
version_comparePHP 4.1.0
vprintfPHP 4.1.0
vsprintfPHP 4.1.0
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