maxdb_stmt_bind_param() is used to bind variables for the
parameter markers in the SQL statement that was passed to
The string types contains one or more characters which specify
the types for the corresponding bind variables.
The extended syntax of maxdb_stmt_bind_param() allows to give the parameters
as an array instead of a variable list of PHP variables to the function. If the array variable has not been
used before calling maxdb_stmt_bind_param(), it has to be initialized as an emtpy
array. See the examples how to use maxdb_stmt_bind_param() with extended syntax.
Variables for SELECT INTO SQL statements can also be bound using maxdb_stmt_bind_param().
Parameters for database procedures can be bound using maxdb_stmt_bind_param(). See the
examples how to use maxdb_stmt_bind_param() in this cases.
If a variable bound as INTO variable to a SQL statement was used before, the content of this variable
is overwritten by the data of the SELECT INTO statement. A reference to this variable will be invalid after a call to
For INOUT parameters of database procedures the content of the bound INOUT variable is overwritten by the output
value of the database procedure. A reference to this variable will be invalid after a call to
Table 1. Type specification chars
corresponding variable has type integer
corresponding variable has type double
corresponding variable has type string
corresponding variable is a blob and will be send in packages
/* close statement and connection */ $stmt->close();
/* Clean up table CountryLanguage */ $maxdb->query("DELETE FROM temp.mycity WHERE name='Georgetown'"); printf("%d Row deleted.\n", $maxdb->affected_rows);
/* close statement and connection */ $stmt->close();
$result = $maxdb->query("SELECT * from temp.mycity WHERE zip = '11111' OR zip = '22222'"); if ($result) { while ($row = $result->fetch_row()) { printf ("%s %s %s\n", $row[0], $row[1], $row[2]); } }
/* Clean up table CountryLanguage */ $maxdb->query("DELETE FROM temp.mycity WHERE name='Georgetown'"); $maxdb->query("DELETE FROM temp.mycity WHERE name='New Orleans'"); printf("%d Rows deleted.\n", $maxdb->affected_rows);
/* close connection */ $maxdb->close(); ?>
The above examples would produce the following output:
1 Row inserted.
1 Row inserted.
11111 Georgetown NY
22222 New Orleans LA
2 Rows deleted.